Membership Levels

ATADA has multiple membership levels to suit your needs. To get started, please select the appropriate level below:

Full Membership

Full Memberships are intended for dealers and other professionals with a business interest in tribal arts. A Full Member is defined as an individual or business entity who has been active for two or more years in the area of authentic tribal arts such as dealers, restorers, appraisers, show promoters, etc. Business entities must provide the name of the principals – anonymous business entities will be accepted in rare circumstances and only as approved in advance by the BOD (Board of Directors). 

Dues for Full Membership are currently $375 per year.

Benefits of Full ATADA Membership

  • Complete Directory Listing
    including: logo, business specialties, website and contact links, images and more.

  • Featured inventory item listed in the Marketplace

  • Preferred rates on Inventory and Collection Insurance (see below)

  • Voting privileges in ATADA elections

  • Eligible to be on board of Governors

  • Eligible to serve on committees

  • Eligible to chair committees

  • May contribute to resource archive

  • May exhibit at any ATADA-sponsored event

  • May use ATADA logo on advertising, letterheads, etc.

Application Process:

  1. Read the ATADA Bylaws ➤ (click here)

    Conditions of Full ATADA Membership are listed in Article I, Sec. 2 of the ATADA Bylaws. Full Members of ATADA are required to uphold ethical standards, trade practices and guarantees as defined in Article X of the ATADA Bylaws.

  2. Fill out the Initial Inquiry Form below
    Once we have confirmed the basic requirements for Full Membership have been met, a link to the complete membership application form will be emailed to you.

  3. Fill out the Full Membership Application Form

    Upon submission of the application, you will need to provide the following:

    • A non-refundable application fee of $200.
    • Membership dues (currently $375/yr).
    Membership dues will be prorated based on the date you submit your application and will be listed on the online application form.

  4. Application Review:

    Notice of your application will then be presented to the ATADA Membership, who will have fourteen days from the date of notification to comment on your application.

    The Board of Directors will review your application, contact your references, and consider any comments from the ATADA Membership making a final decision to accept or reject your application.

    During the review process, you may not make use of the ATADA Logo or make any claims to membership in the association.
    Please note: In the event your application is denied, the membership dues paid upon submitting your application will be refunded to you.

Inventory & Collection Insurance

Full ATADA Members are entitled to purchase ATADA Group Insurance for both private and commercial collections. The commercial policy covers inventory while being shipped, in transit, and at shows, as well as permanent places of business. The rates for the private collection insurance are very attractive and depend on the type of item or size of the collections.
Click the links below to find out more about the ATADA Members group insurance which is provided by our partners at
HUB / Flather & Perkins, Inc.

Auction Houses

Auction Membership is available to licensed and accredited Auction House(s) and their personnel staff (“Auctioneers”).

Benefits of Auction House Membership

  • Complete Listing in the Online Directory

  • Item listing in the Marketplace

  • Collection insurance coverage

  • Inventory insurance coverage

  • Eligible to serve on committees

  • Eligible to chair committees

  • May contribute to resource archive

  • May exhibit at any ATADA-sponsored event

Application Process:

  1. Read the ATADA Bylaws ➤ (click here)

    Conditions of membership as an ATADA Auction House Member are listed in Article I, Section 5 of the ATADA Bylaws:

    “Auction Membership is available to licensed and accredited Auction House(s) and their personnel staff (“Auctioneers”).  Auction Members must have an ATADA recognized tribal art specialist on staff or retain the services of an ATADA recognized contracted specialist for any sale containing tribal art objects.

    As Auction Houses customarily accept their items on consignment and do not customarily engage in the buying and selling of Authentic Tribal Art in or under their own name(s), Auction Members are exempt from Article X of these By-Laws.”

  2. Fill out the Initial Inquiry Form below
    Once we have confirmed the basic requirements for an Auction House Membership have been met, a link to the Complete Application form will be emailed to you.

  3. Fill out the Membership Application Form

    Upon submission of the application, you will need to provide the following:

    • A non-refundable application fee of $200.
    • Membership dues (currently $375/yr).
    Membership dues will be prorated based on the date you submit your application and will be listed on the online application form.

  4. Application Review:

    Notice of your application will then be presented to the ATADA Membership, who will have fourteen days from the date of notification to comment on your application.

    The Board of Directors will review your application, contact your references, and consider any comments from the ATADA Membership making a final decision to accept or reject your application.

    During the review process, you may not make use of the ATADA Logo or make any claims to membership in the association.
    Please note: In the event your application is denied, the membership dues paid upon submitting your application will be refunded to you.

Associates (Collectors)

An Associate is defined as an individual who has a non-business interest in antique tribal arts such as collectors and retired dealers.

Associate Member Privileges:

  • Inclusion on the Associate roster on website (name only)

  • Preferred rates on Collection Insurance (see below)

  • Collector Circle Events

  • Eligible to serve on committees

  • Eligible to chair committees

  • May contribute to resource archive

Associate Member Restrictions:

  • No inventory insurance coverage

  • No voting privileges

  • May not use ATADA logo in advertising, letterheads, etc.

Application Process:

  1. Read the ATADA Bylaws ➤ (click here)

    Associate Members of ATADA are required to uphold ethical standards as defined in the ATADA Bylaws.

  2. Fill out the Online Application Form.

    For Associates there is no application fee.
    Associate dues are $150 per year. 
    Membership dues will be prorated based on the date you submit your application and will be listed on the online application form. Please note that all memberships will renew on January 1 of the following year.

  3. Application Review:

    Your application will be reviewed promptly and you will be contacted with any questions.

    After approval of your application, your name will be added to the Associate Member roster on the ATADA website.

    Your personal contact information will not be listed; however, you must provide a street address, phone number and e-mail address for communication with ATADA.
    If an associate does not wish to have their name published on the ATADA website, they may opt-out by contacting the Executive Director after completing the online application.

Please note: Associate members are welcome to attend general meetings, but shall not have the right to vote on matters of the Association. Associate members may not use the ATADA logo in any advertising and may not post the digital version of the ATADA logo on any web sites or eBay, Etsy or similar listings and services.


ATADA is pleased to announce that it has a group insurance plan available to associates of the organization. The rates for the private collection insurance are very attractive and depend on the type of item or size of the collections.  
Click below to find out more about the ATADA Members group insurance rates.


This class of membership is intended for tribal arts museums and museum professionals with an interest in tribal arts.

  • A Museum Member is defined as museum or a museum professional who has an interest in antique tribal arts.

  • Museum Members have no vote in ATADA elections; however, they are entitled to a limited listing in the ATADA Members Directory.

Application Process:

  1. Read the ATADA Bylaws ➤ (click here)

  2. Fill out the Online Application Form.

  3. Select the Museum Membership level.

    There is no application fee and no annual dues for Museum Membership.

  4. Application Review:

    ATADA performs background checks on all Museum Membership Applicants to confirm that the application is authentic. The Board of Directors must approve your application, and has up to 30 days from receipt of your application to make a decision.

    After approval of your application, your name, the museum name, address, phone number, email, and museum web URL will be listed in the ATADA directory.

    You may choose that your contact information be unlisted, however in all cases, you must provide a phone number and email address for communication with ATADA.