Legal Committee Report - Winter 2019-2020


To all ATADA Members, Museum Associates, Private Collectors and Supporters of the preservation and study of tribal arts around the world:

Thank you for making ATADA the premier Native American and international tribal art organization in the US. More than ever, ATADA’s voice is being heard in Washington and around the country. Last year, you helped us to protect the interests of small businesses, art fairs, auction houses, small museums and private collectors. You supported our efforts to make common cause with colleagues in the wider art world. You helped us to educate legislators and the public about the dangers of ill-considered laws, treaties and agreements that would sequester all art in the country of origin and infringe on the privacy rights on honest citizens.

2019 and early 2020 have been a very active time for our organization. As we predicted, a new, even more restrictive STOP Act was introduced in 2019 and continues to be a major issue in 2020. New money laundering legislation that would place a heavy financial burden on small businesses and specifically directed against the art and antiquities trade passed the House of Representatives in 2019 and is now being taken up in the Senate. In 2019, we successfully challenged a Montana bill that would have meant the loss of businesses and private collections across that state. 

We have focused our efforts on providing legislators with positive, fact-based solutions. Our work has resulted in the defeat or delay of damaging legislation on federal and state levels. At the same time, we have expanded ATADA’s extremely successful Voluntary Returns Program. Our community-based outreach to tribes stresses partnership with legitimate businesses to protect tribal resources and cultural heritage, advocating together for increased federal support for indigenous peoples.

ATADA is once again fighting the good fight for ethical and responsible trade in tribal and ethnographic art, for preservation, and for access for all. We need your continued support to protect you, your business and your collections in the coming year. Here is just some of what we accomplished in 2019!


    In March 2019, ATADA successfully argued against an attempt to pre-empt private ownership rights in Montana. A legislator had introduced a bill that made it illegal to “purposely or knowingly buy, sell, exchange, distribute, market, or otherwise conduct a commercial transaction for profit that involves an object of cultural patrimony or a sacred object.” Cultural patrimony included virtually any Native American object that had “ongoing historical, traditional, or cultural importance central to an Indian tribe, group, or culture.” The bill gave an Indian-majority burial board, previously tasked with dealing with unmarked graves and other finds of human remains, the job of deciding whether items, including private property of collectors and inventory of businesses, were sacred or inalienable cultural patrimony, and deciding whether current owners or tribal claimants owned them. It did not allow outside experts or appeal.

    The bill, HB 637, could have made the trade and collecting of Indian art and artifacts a minefield for dealers, collectors, and museums, in which they would face severe fines or jail time simply for buying or selling items long in circulation. Thanks to an intensive educational campaign about the harmful effects of the legislation, the bill failed to get out of committee.


    In October 2019, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2514, imposing privacy-destroying Bank Secrecy Act anti-money laundering rules on “antiquities” dealers, without defining what an “antiquity” is. ATADA opposes the bill, which is supported by anti-art trade extremists in partnership with vendors who sell anti-money-laundering services. There is no evidence of U.S. money laundering through art. The bill is currently before the U.S. Senate, which is considering expanding it to cover all art dealers.


    A third version of the Safeguard Tribal Objects of Patrimony (STOP) Act, S.2165, H.R. 3846, was introduced in July 2019. Sponsors claimed the STOP Act would “prohibit the exporting of sacred Native American items and increase penalties for stealing and illegally trafficking tribal cultural patrimony.”

    The 2019-2020 STOP Act requires a permit for export of items as low as $1 in value and keeps secret what can’t be exported. It can require every person carrying or shipping an Indian item out of the U.S., including small items purchased by tourists, to submit a photograph and a form through a federal system that will have to be created from scratch. Each item will be subject to tribal review by the 568 federally registered tribes, Hawaiian organizations and Alaskan villages. The review system will operate in secret, and without any time limit.

    Because the bill can include commercial items, it will force people to guess whether they need to apply for a permit. There is not even a way to find out the reason for a seizure through a Freedom of Information Act request and there is little an exporter can do to appeal.

    In 2018, ATADA worked together with tribes and legislators to craft a bill that was designed to enhance protections for Native American cultural heritage. It established a practical system for export based around a U.S. Customs system already in place, enabled tribal review, punished violators, and at the same time, allowed businesses to self-certify low value items so the trade in Indian arts and crafts would not come to a halt. The legislative session ended with that bill still in committee and unfortunately, the 2019 STOP Act fails to consider the solutions agreed to in 2018.

    In early 2020, Board member Bob Gallegos met with 14 legislative offices to talk about ATADA’s community-based work and to show them how the latest version of the STOP Act would discourage all trade in Indian art, harm Native artisans, destroy value in legally-owned private property, and undermine due process.


    Anti-art trade activists continue to challenge private collecting, museum donation, and traditional sales venues in other ways. The Association on American Indian Affairs continues to seek tribal pre-approval of auction and other sales of antiques and even contemporary artworks such as kachinas and other carvings. ATADA’s bylaws establish protections against all unlawful sales and encourage the return of sacred items in current use to tribes, but ATADA policies also insist on federally-mandated constitutional and privacy rights of citizens to lawfully trade, collect, and donate artworks to museums.

    In all these ways and more, ATADA is working to keep you and your collections safe from government overreach. We’ve done great work but our resources are exhausted, and we need your help to meet these challenges.

You can make that difference right now!

Please contribute today!
Make your check payable to the ATADA Legal Fund and mail to:

David Ezziddine
Executive Director, ATADA
PO Box 157
Marylhurst, OR 97036

You can also support the Legal Fund by making an online contribution or by donating an item for auction! For more info, check out:

Questions? Contact David at
Visit to learn more about ATADA actions.

ATADA is a 501(c)(4) organization; gifts to ATADA and the ATADA legal fund are not tax deductible.

ATADA’s tax status enables it to work directly in Washington and elsewhere to make real change for your benefit.

ATADA Foundation Update - Letter from the President

New Year's Day Greetings from the President of the ATADA Foundation

As we start this new decade I would like to tell you about some of the notable funding opportunities that we accomplished in 2019.

  • $1,000 donation to Children's programs through the Acoma Museum and to their library for book purchases.

  • Donation of five pieces of pottery made by Acoma matriarch potters from the 1960's with a value of approximately $1,600.

  • $5,000 donation to pay for an indigenous Fijian curator at LACMA'S show "Fiji - Art and Life in the Pacific." The Prime Minister of Fiji attended the opening ceremony and thanked everyone who was involved, along with the deputy senior director publicly thanking the ATADA Foundation for its support.

  • $3,500 donation to support the upcoming "Apsaalooke Woman and Warriors" exhibition organized by the Field Museum and the Neubauer Collegium.

  • $1,500 donation to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to fund the travel of a young Fijian performer and artist, Jahra Rager, as part of the Met's "World Cultures Festival: Dance" during the closing weekend of the "Atea" exhibition.

As more problems arrive with repatriation and other issues, I believe whole heartedly that the above examples are where we can find a "middle" path with indigenous people everywhere and honor their cultural heritage.

In the spirit of goodwill, I am asking you, as members, to make a donation to the ATADA Foundation so we might continue and expand our mission in the coming year. Whether your donation is $50.00 or $5,000.00, it does make a difference.

As President of the foundation, I wish to donate the first pledge of $500 as we enter this new decade and hope to inspire others to follow.
Happy New Years!

Thank you for your continued support.

Mark Blackburn
President, ATADA Foundation
808-228-3019 (m)

“God House” dance by Fijian performer Jahra Rager at the Metropolitan Museum.

LACMA presents a groundbreaking exhibit on Fijian art, displayed for the first time in the U.S.

Fijian Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama, at the opening ceremonies of Fijian exhibition at LACMA.

ATADA Foundation Update: Fijian Exhibition at LACMA

The ATADA Foundation is proud to be a supporter of LACMA’s exhibition, “Fiji: Art and Life in the Pacific”.
Our gift assisted in providing for a Fijian curator to consult on the exhibition which was attended by the Prime Minister of Fiji, Frank Bainimarama.

This exhibition is the first of its kind to be mounted in the United States and features over 280 artworks from major international collections.

The exhibition continues through July 19, 2020.

For more information, visit:

Fijian Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama, at the opening ceremonies of Fijian exhibition at LACMA.

Fijian Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama, at the opening ceremonies of Fijian exhibition at LACMA.

Legal Briefs: NAGPRA Repatriations through October 9, 2019

by Ron McCoy 


Those of you who regularly check out this column know it frequently addresses goings on associated with the United States’ Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) of 1990.  Although NAGPRA recently figured in a thus far unsuccessful attempt to “repatriate” an orca from Miami’s Seaquarium,[1] the aspect of this law that usually garners attention here is somewhat different.  That’s because ATADA’s intended audience composed of of curators, dealers, and collectors of tribal art are probably more concerned with the law’s provision for repatriating certain types of objects of indigenous (American Indian and Native Hawaiian) origin from institutions which satisfy its broad definition of “museums.”[2]

NAGPRA zeroes in on “cultural items”[3] falling into one or more of five categories: human remains, associated funerary objects, unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects, and cultural patrimony. Of these categories, two receive attention here: sacred objects and cultural patrimony. (Occasionally, because of historic or other considerations, we also take note of transfers involving unassociated funerary objects.)

Under NAGPRA, a “sacred object” is a piece “needed by traditional Native American religious leaders for the practice of traditional Native American religions by their present day [sic] adherents.”[4]  As for “cultural patrimony,” a piece qualifies for inclusion in this category if it has

“ongoing historical, traditional, or cultural importance central to the Native American group or cultural itself, rather than property owned by an individual Native American, and which, therefore, cannot be alienated, appropriated, or conveyed by any individual regardless of whether or not the individual is a member of the Indian tribe or such Native American group at the time the object was separated from such group.”[5]

Occasionally, notices of intent to repatriate per NAGPRA appear in the Federal Register.  These represent the agreement reached between one or more claimants and the museum (as defined by NAGPRA) responsible for the item(s) in question. That agreement specifies the party or parties to which the item(s) will be repatriated by the museum, pending the filing of a competing claim. Unless otherwise noted, quotations include here are drawn from those notices.


Haudenosaunee/Iroquois Miniature False Face Mask
Sacred Object/Object of Cultural Patrimony

Colgate University, Longyear Museum of Anthropology, Hamilton, NY (Oct.9, 2019): Sometime early in the twentieth century an unidentified member of the Oneida Indian Nation gave Hope Emily Allen (1883-1960),[6] an independent scholar of some renown who focused on medieval mystical traditions, “a miniature false face mask or medicine mask,” which she “added to her own personal collection.” The little mask remained with Allen throughout her life.  In 1962, two years after her death, it was sold to the museum.

This notice does not describe the piece, but relies, instead, on the sort of standard language one associates with Haudenosaunee repatriation claims dealing with False Face masks; specifically, these “are not only sacred objects used in the performance of medicinal ceremonies, but are also considered objects of cultural patrimony that have ongoing historical, traditional, and cultural significance to the group.” 

The museum determined that for purposes of NAGPRA the miniature mask was both a sacred object and object of cultural patrimony which should be repatriated to the Oneida Indian Nation in New York.


Three Tesuque Ceramic Vessels, Comanche Dance Headdress and
Painted Buffalo Robe
Sacred Objects/Objects of Cultural Patrimony

Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY (Oct. 9, 2019): This notice deals with five items: three ceramic pieces ­­– a pitcher, storage jar, and seed bowl­ – as well as a headdress and painted buffalo hide robe evidently used in Tesuque Pueblo’s Comanche Dance. These objects joined the museum’s collections at various times between 1901 and 1967.

Stewart Culin (1858-1929), a pioneering and prodigious ethnographer,[7] obtained the headdress – “made from hide, dyed hair, horn, and fabric” – and the painted buffalo robe (“the painted design is of the ‘box-and-border’ type, which is found throughout the central Plains”)[8] from Benham Indian Trading Company in Albuquerque in 1907. 

The ceramic pieces came from three sources: Colonel James Stevenson (1840-1888),[9] a geologist of broad interests who served with the Hayden Survey from 1872-1878 and joined John Wesley Powell’s fledgling Bureau of American Ethnology in 1879, obtained the pitcher at Tesuque in 1879.[10] The museum bought the storage jar in 1902 from “Captain” C.W. Riggs,[11] an enterprising dealer in Native American objects, who acquired it at Cochiti sometime between 1876 and 1891. The seed bowl came to the museum via an estate donation in 1967.

The descriptions of the objects referenced by this notice are far more helpful than the pithy, astonishingly uninformative text linked to far too many NAGPRA notices of intent to repatriate. Many of the notices leave readers unable to visualize what sort of object is being discussed. This would appear to negate NAGPRA’s capacity for educating curators, dealers, and collectors with specifics about the objects covered by its broad umbrella.  But here, for example, we learn that the storage jar Riggs picked up at Cochiti “is decorated with black designs – corn and circular motifs – on white pigment; the lower portion is painted red….it’s [sic] solid lines (without ceremonial breaks), wide mouth and tapered lower half, lack of human and animal figures, and presence of floral motifs all support a Tesuque origin.”[12] 

The museum concurred with claimants’ contention that the five pieces qualified as sacred objects and objects of cultural patrimony under NAGPRA, and should be given to the Pueblo of Tesuque in New Mexico.


Three Coast Salish Masks
Sacred Objects

The Field Museum, Chicago, IL (Sept. 3, 2019): “At an unknown date, three cultural items [masks] identified as Salish in the Field Museum’s records were removed from an unknown location and sold to H. Stadhagen [sic], a purveyor of indigenous material culture.”  In 1902, Charles Newcombe (1851-1924),[13] a British physician and ethnographic researcher whose career found him collecting numerous pieces of indigenous Northwest Coast manufacture for various institutions, purchased the masks from “H. Stadhagen’s [sic] Indian Curio store in Victoria, B.C.” on behalf of the museum. Stadthagen’s was one of the early entrepreneurial establishments that helped transform Northwest Coast indigenous art into a business, and also turned Victoria into the effective hub of that enterprise.[14]

The notice states the museum’s intention to return the masks to the Samish Indian Nation in Washington. Unfortunately, the notice does not tell us anything about the masks’ appearance, much less their role in Salish life beyond the formulaic statement that they “are an integral part of rituals and ceremonies performed by Coast Salish traditional religious leaders.”


Five Haundenosaunee/Iroquois (Cayuga) Wooden Masks
Sacred Objects

New York State Museum, Albany, NY (Aug. 5, 2019): The museum received five wooden Haudenosaunee masks as donations from poet, philanthropist, and Indian rights activist Harriet Maxwell Converse (1836-1903).  According to the notice, “one of the medicine faces was reportedly made in Canada about 1779.” The museum agreed with the Haudenosaunee Standing Committee on Burial Rules and Regulations:[15] the five masks should be transferred to the Cayuga Nation in New York.

Although the notice mentions five masks, it provides no description of them or their role in Haudenosaunee society, and produces no information about provenance beyond that already noted. As a side note, by my rough count no fewer than seventy-five masks and nine wampum belts that Converse gave to the museum have been repatriated since NAGPRA went into effect.


Winnebago Medicine Bundle
Sacred Object

Nebraska State Historical Society, DBA History Nebraska, Lincoln, NE (Aug. 5, 2019):  In 1922, Robert B. Small donated a Winnebago bundle to the museum. Small, who worked as a clerk at the Winnebago Agency, received it more than fifty years earlier ­­– meaning, circa 1870 – as a gift from Joseph Harrison, a Winnebago. According to Harrison, the bundle “had kept away the evil spirit and also given him good luck in war and in peace.”  He evidently trusted it would perform a similar function in Small’s life. (As the notice explains, “Harrison gave the bundle to his old friend…believing it would bring him good fortune too.”)

Although the notice describes the bundle as a sacred object which should be turned over to the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska, it provides absolutely no helpful information about the piece, its provenance, contents, function, associations, or role in Winnebago culture.


Blackfeet Beaver Medicine Bundle
Object of Cultural Patrimony

Buffalo Bill Center of the West, Plains Indian Museum, Cody, WY (July 19, 2019):  According to the notice, in 1965 artist-collector Paul Dyck (1917-2006) obtained a circa-1860 Blackfeet Beaver Medicine Bundle from Dan Bull Plume, Sr., of Browning, Montana.[16] Pioneering anthropologist, Clark Wissler (1870-1947) described this type of physically large, spiritually potent manifestation of sacral power as “the bundles par excellence.”[17]

The notice informs us that Dyck loaned the bundle to the museum in 2006. In 2007, a year after Dyck’s death, his foundation changed that loan into a gift.  The following year, “members of the Blood Tribe (Canada) Spiritual Advisors, consisting of Horn Society advisors and members, viewed the Beaver Medicine Bundle…, confirmed its identity, and affirmed that Beaver Bundle Ceremonies associated with this bundle are still practiced by both the Blackfoot Nation of Canada and the Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana.”

The museum agreed to repatriate the Beaver Medicine Bundle to the Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Montana.

Please note: This column does not offer legal or financial advice. Anyone requiring such advice should consult a professional in the relevant field. The author welcomes readers’ comments and suggestions, which may be sent to him at


[1] Lynda V. Mapes, “Lummi Tribal Members Could Sue Under Repatriation Act to Free Captive Orca in Miami,” The Seattle Times (July 27, 2019),; Kie Relyea, “Saying They’re Family, Lummi Nation Gives These Endangered Orcas a New, Ancestral Name,” The Bellingham Herald (Sep. 10, 2019),

[2] “Any institution or State or local government agency (including any institution of higher learning) that receives Federal funds and has possession of, or control over, Native American cultural items [is a museum, for purposes of NAGPRA]. Such term does not include the Smithsonian Institution or any other Federal agency. [25 USC 3001 (8)].”  “NAGPRA Glossary,” National NAGPRA (National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, n.d.),

[3] Under NAGPRA, “cultural Items” means: “Human remains, associated funerary objects, unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects, cultural patrimony.” Ibid.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Ibid.

[6] For Allen see Clarissa W. Atkinson, “In Memoriam: Hope Emily Allen (1883-1969 [sic]),” 14th Century English Mystics Newsletter, 9 (4) (Dec. 1983): 210-217.

[7] Culin’s writings are noted in “Guide to the Culin Archival Collection” (Brooklyn Museum, n.d.),; also “Online Books by Stewart Culin” (The Online Books Page, n.d.),

[8] According to the notice: “Representatives from Tesuque said that this robe was used in the Comanche Dance and was likely purchased from Comanche traders for the purpose.”

[9] Stevenson was married to pioneering American female anthropologist Matilda Coxe Stevenson (1850-1915).  Like her husband, she formed part of J.W. Powell’s elite crew of ethnographers when the Bureau of American Ethnology opened for business in 1879.  Joy Harvey, “Matilda Coxe Stevenson (1850-1915),” in Marilyn Ogilvie and Joy Harvey, The Biographical Dictionary of Women of Science: Pioneering Lives from Ancient Times to the Mid-20th Century (Abingdon, Oxon, Great Britain: Routledge, 2003), 1232-1233.  See, also, Darlis A. Miller, Matilda Coxe Stevenson: Pioneering Anthropologist (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2007).

[10] Stevenson’s pitcher joined the collections of the U.S. National Museum; it was purchased by the Brooklyn Museum in 1901.

[11] The rank appears to be an honorific term, as Chauncey Wales Riggs’ name does not appear in Francis B. Heitman, Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army from Its Organization, September 29, 189, to March 2, 1903, 2 vols. (Washington, D.C., 1903).  Riggs earned a reputation as a digger of burial mounds in the eastern Arkansas, during which his predilection “unscientific excavation” was on display.  “Captain CW Riggs (Biographical details),” (The British Museum, n.d.),  For a photograph of the colorful Riggs, see Robert C. Manifort, Jr., Sam Dellinger: Raiders of the Lost Arkansas (Fayetteville: The University of Arkansas Press, 2008), 21.

[12] Consultants from Tesuque “identified this jar as one that would have been owned and used by Tesuque’s Warrior Society.”

[13] Kevin Neary, “Newcombe, Charles Frederic,) in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Vol. 15 (Toronto: University Tronto/Unversité Laval, 2005),

[14] “The early tourist trade emerging in that city [Victoria] in the 1870s displayed a keen appetite for carvings, baskets, and totems, an appetite that grew over time.  Between 1880 and 1912, five different curio businesses operated in Victoria.  While they serviced the special needs and requests of collectors and curators, these curio dealers also supplied the hungry and less discerning tourist market.  Aaronson’s Indian Curio Bazaar on Government Street claimed to be ‘the cheapest place on the Pacific Coast to buy all kinds of Indian Baskets, Pow-Wow Bags, Wood and Stone Totems, Pipes, Carved Horn and Silver Spoons, Rattles, Souvenirs, Novelties, Etc.”  Over on Johnson Street, Hart’s Indian Bazaar respectfully invited the public, ‘especially tourists,’ to visit this shop with the ‘largest and finest assortment of curios on the Pacific coast.’  At Stadthagen’s Indian Trader, 79 Johnson Street, collectors could buy not only trinkets and baskets, but also large totem poles.”  To this list should be added Frederick Landsberg’s “curio shop,” the largest of the lot.  See Margaret Horsfield and Ian Kennedy, Tofino and Clayoquot Sound: A History (Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing, 2014), n.p. accessed online Oct. 20, 2019.  For the emergence of markets for selling, buying, and reselling Northwest Coast indigenous art see Dennis Cole, Captured Heritage: The Scramble for Northwest Coast Artifacts (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1995).

[15] For information about the Haudenosaunee Standing Committee on Burial Rules and Regulations see “Haudenosaunee Repatriation Committee” (Haudenosaunee Confederacy, 2018),

[16] A note of purposes of disclosure: I served on the board of Dyck’s research foundation after the purchase date referenced here and prior to its transaction with the museum.  Dan Bull Plume’s deep involvement in Blackfeet spiritual life is attested to in Adolf Hungry Wolf, The Blackfoot Papers [Vol. 2]: Pikuni Ceremonial Life (Skookumchuck, BC, Can.: The Good Medicine Cultural Foundation, 2006), 454-455; Donald Duane Pepion, “Blackfoot Ceremony: A Qualitative Study of Learning,” Ed.D. thesis, Montana State University-Bozeman (Dec. 1999),111.  For a photograph of an image of Dan Bull Plume by artist Winold Reiss (1886-1953), see “Dan Bull Plume,” Winold Reiss: Life, Works, Studio Circle” (The Reiss Partnership, 2014),

[17] Clark Wissler, “Ceremonial Bundles of the Blackfoot Indians,” Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, 8, pt. 2 (1912), 169.


You can help support ATADA!

Cowan’s Auctions is currently hosting an online sale in which the proceeds from several lots will benefit ATADA. The Auction closes Nov 4th, so be sure to post your bid today!

Proceeds from the following lots will support ATADA:
102, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 285

Auction Details:

Cowan’s Auctions - Cincinnati, OH

Timed Bidsquare Auction
Oct 24 - Nov 4, 2019

Note: Bidding for this auction will occur exclusively on Bidsquare

Auction Begins Closing Monday, November 4, 2019 at 12:00 pm ET (extended bidding available) For more information about the auction or to inquire about condition, contact Erin Rust at

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In Memoriam - James Willis and Jimmy Economos

This year has seen the passing of two greats in the tribal art world. James Willis and Jimmy Economos each spent many years working to promote tribal art through countless exhibitions, presentations and collections. They will be missed.

James Willis

1934 - 2019


James Willis was a preeminent dealer of African, Oceanic and Indonesian tribal art in the United States for greater than 45 years. He was the first in the United States to feature important themed exhibits on specialized subjects in his Geary Street gallery in San Francisco that could never be assembled again today. The 1979 “Art of the Batak” being an example of a historic show that revealed the masterful art of this previously obscure Sumatran headhunting tribe and changed the way the world viewed the subject; this exhibit has never been equaled. So too with countless other special presentations, offered over a career that spanned a time when the art was both available and relatively affordable, as he said, the “Golden Age” to be a tribal art dealer.


James Willis, known and respected for his expertise, integrity and fair-trading, builder of fine private and public collections, was also an advisor to three Presidents on the Cultural Property Advisory Committee at the Department of State. James Willis, husband, father, friend and mentor once told me, “If it can be said at an art dealer’s funeral that he never sold fakes and paid his bills on time, he was a success…” James Willis was so much more.

-Thomas Murray

In 2015, James Willis was awarded the ATADA Lifetime Achievement Award. Click here to read a tribute to James in celebration of this award, written by Thomas Murray; as well as an interview with James by Michael Auliso from Tribalmania Gallery.

A memorial for James, written by Lin Chen-Willis, can be found on the San Francisco Tribal website.

Jimmy Economos



“James Economos, the legendary art dealer, passed away peacefully on July 29 at the age of 80. His husband of 50 years, Gilbert Hampton, was at his side. Born in New York City, James studied at Columbia University. His eye for African, Oceanic, and American Indian art established him as a leader in the field and had a major impact on the development of many significant public and private collections, including the renowned collection at the St. Louis Art Museum. After living in New York and Denver, he settled in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he had an eponymous gallery.”

The full memorial for Jimmy can be found at:

American Indian and Western Art: Premier Auction

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On October 11th, Cowan’s Auctions will hold the American Indian & Western Art: Premier Auction featuring an outstanding assortment of material from multiple collections, as well as donated material to benefit ATADA.

Cowan’s Auctions - Cincinnati, OH

American Indian and Western Art: Premier Auction (Lots 201 - 574)

Friday, October 11, 2019 - 10:00 am ET

Friday, October 11, 2019 | 8:00 - 10:00 am
All times ET

Proceeds from the following lots will benefit ATADA:

213, 222, 350, 386, 389, 394, 422, 426, 435, 444, 445, 458, 459, 464, 467, 475, 497, 498, 499, 501, 502, 508, 520, 559

View Catalog ➤

Legal Briefs: Revived STOP Act in Congress for Third Go-Around, Updated NAGPRA Notices of Intent to Repatriate

by Ron McCoy

Palahiko Mana, Water Drinking Maiden
c. 1899, Unknown Hopi Artist
via Wikimedia Commons

On July 18, U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) introduced Capitol Hill to the latest (third) version of the thus-far-unsuccessful Safeguard Tribal Objects of Patrimony (STOP) Act.[1] 

STOP is intended to “prohibit the exporting of sacred Native American items and increase penalties for stealing and illegally trafficking tribal cultural patrimony.”[2]   The bill represents a response to some Parisian auction houses’ widely publicized sales of items over the vehement objections of representatives from tribes which hold those objects sacred.[3] If passed, STOP would, according to a wire service account,

ban collectors and vendors from exporting Native American ceremonial items to foreign markets….increase penalties within the United States for trafficking objects that tribes hold sacred by increasing prison time from five years to 10 years for violating the law more than once….At the same time, the bill would establish a framework for collectors to return protected items to tribes and avoid facing penalties.[4]

This legislative initiative’s cosponsors in the U.S. Senate include Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Steve Daines (R-MT), Brian Schatz (D-HI), Martha McSally (R-AZ), Tom Udall (D-NM), and James Lankford (R-OK).  A House version is on offer under the auspices of Representatives Tom Cole (R-OK), Ben Ray Luján (D-NM), Deb Haaland (D-NM), and Don Young (R-AK), with cosponsors including Betty McCollum (D-MN), Tom O-Halleran (D-AZ), Amata Coleman Radewagen (R-American Samoa), and Xochitl Torres Small (D-NM). 

Institutional endorsers include Santa Clara Pueblo, Tesuque Pueblo, Zuni Pueblo, Nambé Pueblo, Wyandotte Nation, Native Village of Barrow, Mt. Sanford Tribal Consortium, Duckwater Shoshone Tribe, Susanville Indian Rancheria, Miami Tribe of Oklahoma, Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, Cherokee Nation, United South and Eastern Tribes, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, Hopi Tribe, Midwest Alliance of Sovereign Tribes, Sealaska Heritage, the National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers, Tanana Chiefs Conference, and the National Indian Head Start Directors.[5]

This latest version of STOP is a significant development for just about anyone involved in the American Indian art world – especially when you consider that even after the legislative tinkering required following two previous attempts to put this legislation into the law books failed, STOP remains problematic.   

Cultural Property News – a must-read for those participating in the world of indigenous art – performed a superb job in summarizing STOP, and I encourage you to give their analysis your attention.[6]  In its current form, STOP exhibits potentially serious flaws and the sort of unclarified ambiguity that may help move legislation along but only creates problems down the road.  ATADA’s president Kim Martindale is quoted in the article as noting of STOP:

It doesn’t just restrict export of sacred items.  It requires a permit for items as low as $1 in value and keeps secret what can and can’t be exported.  The way this bill is written, it can require every person carrying or shipping an Indian item out of the U.S., including small items purchased by tourists, to submit a photograph and a form through a federal system that will have to be created from scratch.  To get an export permit each item will be subject to tribal review covering the 568 federally registered tribes, plus Hawaiian organizations and Alaskan villages.  The review system will operate in secret, and without any time limit.

Again, I encourage you to read the Cultural Property News piece.  Other goings on may suck the air out of the news sphere, but for anyone reading this column the 2019 STOP legislation could represent one of the most important legal issues you’ll confront for quite some time.

Covering the US’s Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 (NAGPRA) – which I’ve done pretty much since it emerged from the swirl of confusion attending the Columbian quincentenary – sometimes seems a mixed blessing.  This is especially the case when one’s intended audience is composed largely of curators, collectors, and dealers populating the world of tribal art; people who want and need to know how to deal with the purposes, nuances, and complexities of what remains a controversial piece of legislation.

The “mixed” part of the blessing comes up while attempting to indicate the ways in which NAGPRA’s interpretation and enforcement changes over time.  I refer specifically to NAGPRA’s notices of intent to repatriate. 

As this column’s regulars know, NAGPRA calls for the repatriation from organizations it broadly identifies as “museums” of Native American and Native Hawaiian objects falling into its categories of repatriation-eligible material: associated funerary objects, unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony.[7]   Of these four categories, the latter two are typically of concern here.  (As noted below, this rule of thumb is flexible and there are exceptions.)

Notices of intent to repatriate objects covered by NAGPRA from institutions the law broadly identifies as “museums” appear irregularly in the Federal Register.[8]   Such a notice specifies the institution involved, the tribal entity or individual making the claim for return, the determination the institution and the claimant(s) reached about the object’s status under NAGPRA, and the identification of the party (or parties) to which the object will be repatriated (pending the filing of a competing claim or claims).

Unfortunately, some of those charged with carrying out the law’s provisions regarding repatriation of objects appear to be engaged – whether knowingly or otherwise, I cannot say – in issuing pronouncements which make the law considerably more opaque than transparent.  Too many NAGPRA announcements exhibit a lazy sloppiness bordering on arrogant contempt for readers.

Since the NAGPRA notices of intent to repatriate that are summarized here may be the only source of information about the status of objects of interest to curators, collectors, and dealers, it is vitally important that information about repatriations (and the objects affected) should be presented in as clear and thorough a manner as possible. 

When I go over a NAGPRA notice, I search for the main points so, even while that notice is distilled in this space, readers will be able to sense whether the outcome affects their bailiwick in the tribal art universe.  Hopefully, they will also sense whether – responding to the pull of enlightened self-interest or commendable curiosity – they ought to inspect that notice in greater detail for themselves in the Federal Register.

Attempting to digest these notices with the eyes of a tribal art world curator, collector or dealer, inevitably leads to questions.  Is the object identified in a way that affords a reasonably intelligent individual an opportunity for understanding exactly what it is?  Is it described with a degree of clarity that allows for little in the way of confusion?  Does the notice coherently set forth the object’s original purpose and role?  Does the notice lay out a credible case for repatriation under NAGPRA? 

Is a resounding “yes” on all counts too much to expect?

Perhaps it’s the old professor in me, but, increasingly, some of these notices read as if they were drafted with the goal of providing readers (and posterity) with as little information as possible.

Fortunately, the bulk of the notices summarized below – this current crop takes us up to June 3, 2019 – could serve as templates for NAGPRA’s notices of intent to repatriate.  One can read most of them and come away with a pretty clear idea of just what type of materials are getting swept up into NAGPRA’s net and why. 

As usual, the dates given here in connection the notices are those on which they appeared in the Federal Register.  All quotations come from those notices.


Tlingit Oyster Catcher Rattle, Shaman’s Staff,
Shaman’s Hat, Shaman’s Spirit Helper
Unassociated Funerary Objects

Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art, Indianapolis, IN (June 3, 2019): This column no longer routinely reports on NAGPRA notices of intent to repatriate unassociated funerary objects.  They usually don’t attract obvious, compelling, and broad interest in the tribal art world.  Occasionally, however, one of these notices finds its way to this space because it is of historical or other interest, particularly insofar as shining light onto the ways NAGPRA regards certain kinds of objects.  This is one of those occasions, because it focuses on Northwest Coast material of precisely the sort that attracts broad interest in the tribal art community.

This notice’s drafter(s) made a concerted effort to take us beyond the we-have-this-and-they-said-that-so-now-it’s-gone type of presentations which show up too often in the Federal Register’s notices of intent to repatriate.

The collecting activities of Indianapolis businessman Harrison Eiteljorg (1903-1997) led to the creation of the eponymous museum associated with this notice.  Eiteljorg’s expansive interests included the Northwest pieces referenced here – Oyster Catcher Rattle (circa 1870), Shaman’s Staff (c. 1880), Shaman’s Hat (c. 1800), and Shaman’s Spirit Helper (c. 1850) – all acquired by him between 1979 and 1981.  Eiteljorg was a canny businessman and careful buyer, and it is not surprising that the pedigrees of these objects are linked to names which loomed large in the tribal art market of the late-1970s and 1980s.[9] 

This notice provides solid descriptions of the objects in question.  Picking out an object at random, we learn that the Oyster Catcher Rattle

is constructed from a single piece of wood, bears black, red, and light blue pigments.  It has been halved and likely hollowed out to hold what may be seeds used to create its rattling sound.  A leather cord is tied to one side of the rattle.  The top of the rattle represents a long-billed bird.  Near the handle is a wolf spirit with a protruding tongue.  The underside is carved to depict what may be a beak.

According to representatives of the Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Tribes, these four pieces – all of them provided with informative descriptions – are “cultural items used only by a shaman.” 

Shaman’s implements would have been interred with a shaman.  As it is against Tlingit custom to grant permission to disturb or disinter a shaman’s grave the Central Council believes that these four cultural items could have only been collected with removing them from a grave, and therefore, they are unassociated funerary objects [under NAGPRA].  Historic and contemporary scholarly research reiterate that traditionally, Tlingit shamans were buried with their accoutrements such as rattles, staffs, hats, and spirit helpers. 

 And, to seal the deal: “As indicated through museum records and consultation with the Central Council, the cultural affiliation of the cultural items is Tlingit.  According to Tlingit oral tradition, the Tlingit people have owned and occupied southeastern Alaska since time immemorial.”  This is enough for NAGPRA’s purposes to assist in the claim.

It was agreed that these objects should be returned to the Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes in Alaska.


Kumeyaay Stone Pendants, Pestle, Slab, Figures, and Pipe (or Sucking Tube), and Bone Whistle Fragments
Objects of Cultural Patrimony

University of San Diego, San Diego, CA (June 3, 2019): In 1994, the museum was given “one set of bone whistle fragments; two stone pendants; one miniature stone pestle; one stone slab with pictograph; two stone figures; five ceramic pipes; and one stone pipe or sucking tube.”  These came from unidentified sites in San Diego County and were obtained sometime during a forty-year-long period commencing in the 1950s.[10]

San Diego County “is recognized as the aboriginal area of the people of the Kumeyaay Nation and all 13 bands of the Kumeyaay Nation were invited to consult.”  From these consultations, specifically as a result of interaction with representatives of Jamul Indian Village of California (a Kumeyaay Nation component), “tribal members recognized these objects as having been important to their village members, and spoke of how they were used both in the past and present.  They related stories of learning about objects similar to these from tribal members.”  The final determination?  “These thirteen objects are likely culturally significant to all the bands of the Kumeyaay Nation.”  (Yes, “likely” does sort of jump out of that sentence, but sufficient for NAGPRA’s purposes.)

It was decided to repatriate the pieces to the Campo Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Campo Indian Reservation; Capitan Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians (Barona Group of Capitan Grande Band of Mission Indians of the Barona Reservation; Viejas (Baron Long) Group of Capitan Grande Band of Mission Indians of the Viejas Reservation; Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians; Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel (previously identified as the Santa Ysabel Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Santa Ysabel Reservation); Inaja Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Inaja and Cosmit Reservation; Jamul Indian Village; La Posta Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the La Posta Indian Reservation; Manzanita Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Manzanita Reservation Mesa Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Mesa Grande Reservation; San Pasqual Band of Diegueno Mission Indians; and the Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation, all of California.


Hopi Butterfly Dance Tablita
Sacred Object

Pueblo Grande Museum, Phoenix, AZ (M, 2019): In 1983 a patron gave the museum a Hopi Butterfly Dance tablita, a headdress made of painted wooden slat-like components.  (“Tablita” comes from the Spanish tabla, which in this instance may be taken as meaning a board, plank, or slab.)  Unfortunately, the notice provides no information about the appearance of the tablita, its painted design(s), or vintage.

Although tablita headdresses are worn by some of the tribe’s katsinim during appearances in public plaza dances, they are perhaps most commonly associated with the tribe’s Butterfly Dance.  The notice informs us that because “representatives of the Hopi Tribe of Arizona demonstrated the Tribe’s cultural affiliation with this object, and established that the object was needed for use by girls during a traditional Hopi ceremony,” the tablita qualified as a sacred object that should be transferred to the Hopi Tribe.


Thirty-Two Diverse Karuk Objects
Sacred Objects/Objects of Cultural Patrimony

Autry Museum of the American West, Los Angeles, CA (May 3, 2019): This sweeping notice, a model for such proclamations, embraces thirty-two objects formerly in the collections of the Southwest Museum of the American Indian.[11]  All of them are categorized under NAGPRA as both sacred objects and objects of cultural patrimony.  Here is an abbreviated listing of the material involved:

an otter fur dance belt and a woven horsehair dance belt….one pipe [with steatite bowl] and one leather pouch….one large [half-a-foot wide and nearly a yard-long] and 33 1/2 -inches obsidian blade….one wooden stool, one [yew] bow, and one bone whistle….one rattle wand, one deerskin, two netted hangers, one case for feathers, one grass apron, and one bow with six arrows….four jump dance baskets….one head right made of deerskin and woodpecker feathers, two eagle don head plumes…one headband made of porcupine quills, two headbands made from sea lion teeth, one dance apron made from a ring-tail pelts [sic], one quiver made from fisher pelt and eight arrows…one wolf hair blinder, two otter fur blinders…two hangers made from woven plant fibers with feathers….one deerskin dress….one dentalium [shell] necklace.


These objects came to the museum between 1918 and 1985 (most during the 1930s) through purchase, exchange, and donation.  All were identified as emanating from the Karuk people of northern California.

As noted earlier, this notice of intent to repatriate could serve as an exemplar for all such announcements.  This is because it tells us quite a bit about all of the pieces under review.   

That massive, six-inches-wide, almost yard-long obsidian blade, for example?  We learn it was collected in an area long associated with the Karuk and that “the size, material, and design of the blade is typical of Karuk ceremonial blades.”  Further, “Karuk representatives explained during consultation that this blade was used during the White Deerskin Dance, where large ceremonial obsidian blades are carried by the participants who lead the dance.”  This leads to support for the formulaic NAGPRA statement that “it is a specific ceremonial object and is required by the Karuk Tribe…to properly perform the traditional religious dances and prayers for the White Deerskin Dance,” which makes it a sacred object.  Finally, “Karuk representatives explained during consultation that medicine pieces, although cared for and used by individuals, were owned collectively and could not be sold or traded by individuals.”  This makes the blade an object of cultural patrimony. 

That quartet of jump dance baskets?  “Karuk representatives stated during consultation that due to the designs on the baskets, the characteristics of their construction, and evidence of wear from use, these jump dance baskets were use in the Jump Dance and were not made for sale.  Anthropological and historical information also demonstrate that these objects are Karuk objects used in the Jump Dance.”

The entire collection was slated for repatriation to the Karuk Tribe in northern California.



 Please note: This column does not offer legal or financial advice.  Anyone requiring such advice should consult a professional in the relevant field.  The author welcomes readers’ comments and suggestions, which may be sent to him at




[1] The text of the proposed law (S. 2165 and H.R. 3846) is at

[2] “Bipartisan, Bicameral STOP Act To Safeguard Tribal Items Introduced,” (July 18, 2019 press release from the office of U.S. Representative Tom Cole),

[3] Mary Hudetz, “U.S. lawmakers propose ban on export of tribes’ sacred items,” (Associated Press: July 18, 2019),

[4] Ibid.

[5] “Bipartisan, Bicameral STOP Act to Safeguard Tribal Items Introduced.”

[6] “2019 STOP Act: Fixing a Flawed Indian Art Bill: Undermining Established Public Policy Is Harmful to Museums, Businesses, Native Artists, and Tourism,” Cultural Property News (July 24, 2019),

[7] Definitions of the last two of these categories occasionally appear in this column.  For further information, I direct you to “NAGPRA Glossary,” National NAGPRA (National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, n.d.)

[8] The Federal Register can be found online at

[9] According to the notice: “The Oyster Catcher Rattle [dated circa 1870] was previously owned by John A. Buxton of Shango Galleries, and was purchased by Harrison Eiteljorg in [sic] November 15, 1979….The Shaman’s Staff, dated circa 1880, was purchased by Harrison Eiteljorg from Tom Julian, in June 1980.  It was originally owned by Howard Roloff….The Shaman’s Hat, dated circa 1800….was purchased by Harrison Eiteljorg from Sotheby’s, Parke-Bernet in April 1981.  The Shaman Spirit Helper, dated circa 1850, was purchased by Harrison Eiteljorg from Richard Rasso in April 1981.” 

[10] These pieces came from the donation that forms the institution’s David W. May Collection, for which see “David W. May Collection,” University of San Diego, University Galleries (2019),

[11] In 2003, the Southwest Museum, an iconic institution founded in Los Angeles in 1907 by photographer, preservationist, journalist, archaeologist, and Indian rights activist Charles F. Lummis (1859-1928), with the Autry Museum of the American West (originally called the “Gene Autry Western Heritage Museum” in honor of its chief benefactor).

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