STOLEN - Leekya Fetish - Santa Fe, NM

Leekya Fetish Stolen from Santa Fe Show, August 20, 2008

We received the following message from ATADA member Steve Begner this afternoon:

We had an item stolen from our showcase at the Whitehawk Show on Wednesday, August 20 at about 3:30 PM, and would appreciate it if you could put this on the Theft Alert page of the ATADA website.

The item stolen was a bear carved by Leekya Deyuse. It is about 3″ long, carved from banded brown nutria rock, and has a coral and turquoise bundle with a small turquoise arrowhead facing backwards. The head of the bear is turned to the side, and the piece is easily recognizable as Leekya’s work.

A police report has been filed with the Santa Fe PD, and the case number is 08-013276. The investigating officer is Rachel Meserve, and the phone number of the PD is (505) 955-5038. Anyone with further information can also call Turkey Mountain Traders at (480) 423-8777.

No photo of the bear is available, as it was a very recent purchase. However, the banding in the rock is quite distinctive.