STOLEN - Tibetan Jewelry - Barcelona, Spain

Tibetan jewelry items stolen in Barcelona, Spain, January 13, 2015

  • Ceremonial New Year Ear Ornaments, Lhasa 18th or 19th Century, Brooch 8cm, Hair ornament 10cm:
    Two ceremonial earrings in gold and turquoise inset with rubies or garnets, of the type worn by nobleman since the 17th century at New Year Celebrations in Lhasa. At this time officials dressed in what were believed to be the ornaments of the early Kings of Tibet ( 7 – 9th Centuries). These earrings were far too heavy to be worn conventionally and were tied across the head or draped around the neck or the round turquoise piece (brooch) was worn at the right shoulder, the other piece at the left The pale turquoises represent the petals of an open lotus .Both pieces bear the protective monster mask similar to those used on Ceremonial Newar jewelry suggesting that Newars were responsible for the manufacture.
  • A pair of ceremonial ear ornaments, Lhasa 18 or 19th Century, Length: 12cm
    Both pieces bear the protective monster mask similar to those used on Ceremonial Newar jewelry suggesting that Newars were responsible for the manufacture:
  • A single official’s earrings, Tibet 19th Century, length 15cm, Gold turquoise and coral.

The theft took place in Barcelona, Spain on the 13th of January, 2015. It was reported to the central police station in Barcelona with a report number of 30611/2015ATOACPCATALU The theft has also been reported to my Insurance company Blackwell Green in London. I can be contacted by email on or by phone on +33688142662, Thank you for any assistance that you may be able to provide on this matter, Sue Ollemans.