STOLEN - Large Jewelry Collection - Santa Fe, MM

Theft occurred on July 1, 2015

Santa Fe PD Case # 15-009510

Detective: Elizabeth Brewer. Phone #: 505-401-0469

Jewelry Owner: Joan Caballero. Phone #: 505-690-8482


MY MESSAGE TO THE INCREDIBLE PEOPLE AND FRIENDS WHO HELPED IN RECOVERY OF MY JEWELRY: Words cannot express what it has meant to me for your quick action in alerting me to sites and shops selling my stolen jewelry which led to its recovery. The excellent Santa Fe Detectives working with me were in absolute awe of our community of friends, dealers and collectors who were on the constant search for my jewelry and found it. As you might imagine, and I know many of you have been through this also, this last year has been heart wrenching for me and I have been so grateful for every piece that found its way back to me. It was profound to receive late-night emails and texts sending links to my jewelry. One thing that can never be stolen is the love and concern I have felt from all of you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.... Joan