STOLEN - Kathy Whitman Sculpture - Albuquerque, NM

Native American Statue Stolen from Albuquerque, NM Gallery, November 29, 2007

On November 29, 2007, a man in an old pickup truck bearing license plate JWS973 ran in and grabbed the statue at Wright’s Indian Art and ran out about 3pm. He was wearing a windbreaker and baseball cap. His face could not be seen.

The statue is by Kathy Whitman “Elk Woman”, Lakota, titled “A Blessing of Love” and retail value would be about $3000. It was at least 2 1/2″ feet tall. The sculpture was in pink alabaster on a wood base.

If anyone has any information on the stolen sculpture or on the old truck with license plate  JWS973 please contact the Albuquerque police department, case number 07136010, the report number is 071129000557, reporting officer R. Wuenschel #3373, or contact Wrights Gallery, phone 505-266-0120, e-mail