UPDATE - The first textile listed below has been recovered. The other two textiles are still missing.
In mid August of 2020 three Navajo textiles shipped via Fedex from the Hamptons, NY to Shiprock Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM went missing in transit.
The package weighed 28 lbs when it was first scanned and arrived weighing 5 lbs when it was received by Shiprock Santa Fe.
The three missing textiles are shown below.
Please report any sightings or knowledge of these pieces to Paul at Shiprock Santa Fe 505-982-8478 or paul@shiprocksantafe.com
RECOVERED - Navajo all natural textile
c.1890 - 83” x 49”
Navajo Germantown pictorial textile
c. 1890 - 97” x 56”
Navajo all natural pictorial textile
c.1900 - 94” x 42"